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আন্তর্জাতিক ডিপ্লোমা কোর্স

খাদ্য উদ্যোক্তা ও

অনলাইন বিজনেস প্রোগ্রাম


সীমানা ছাড়াই আপনার নিজের খাদ্য ব্যবসা বিকাশ করতে শিখুন! যেহেতু আমরা এই মহামারী দ্বারা আনা #NEWNORMAL-এর সাথে খাপ খাইয়ে নিচ্ছি, আমরা গর্বের সাথে আপনার জন্য এই নতুন 100% অনলাইন খাদ্য ব্যবসায়িক কর্মসূচি উপস্থাপন করছি।

  • Program Overview
    This professional training programme provides the essentials of commercial cookery, carefully structured to prepare students for a first career role in various kitchen environments. Core mandatory units include essential cookery & food preparation modules necessary for employment in a professional kitchen.
  • Short Summary about the Curriculum
    Food Safety Practices in the preparation, serve and storage of food Techniques and skills in preparation, cooking and finishing vegetables, sauces and soups Production of Farinaceous goods Vegetarian and Vegan cookery Techniques and skills in preparation , cooking and finishing of poultry, meat and game. Techniques and skills in preparation, cooking and finishing of fish and shellfish International Cookery Techniques and skills in producing frozen, cold and hot desserts Techniques and skills in baking and baked products Additional coaching and guidance sessions
  • Duration and Schedule
    750 Hours (125 Sessions) 3 Sessions per week, 6 hours per Session (18 hours per week) Mon-Tue-Wed (8am-2pm) Mon-Tue-Wed (2pm-8pm) Thu-Fri-Sat (8am-2pm) Thu-Fri-Sat (2pm-8pm)
  • Requirements
    HIGH PRIORITY (Before Class Starts) 1. Medical Certificate (need to request the ff. Cbc, Urinalysis, Fecalysis, X-ray, Drug Test and Hepa A&B screening and physical examination) We can give a referral for your medical. 2. For minors, Parents or Legal Guardian Consent. 3. Long White Folder MEDIUM PRIORITY (At the First Day of Class) 4. Photo copy of Birth Certificate or Civil Registry 5. School Credentials At least one of the following: a.High School Diploma or Form 137 b.College Diploma or TOR 6. Barangay or Police or NBI clearance, LAST PRIORITY (When Student Has Chef Uniform) 7. 5 pieces “Passport-size” picture in Chef Uniform with white background. 8. 2 pcs. “1x1-size” picture in Chef Uniform with white background. 9. 1 whole body picture in complete in Chef uniform with white background. 10. Resume – Apicius Format
  • Included in the Course
    Detailed Course Book Recipes and Information Hand Outs Ingredients for all cooking sessions Free use of all Equipments and Utensils during the course 1 Set of Chef’s Uniform & Shoes 1 Set of Knives

এখানে নিবন্ধন করুন

নিবন্ধনের জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ. আমরা অবিলম্বে আপনার কাছে ফিরে আসব :)

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